Add Data Code

  1. Add any packages that your data cleaning and manipulation requires to the DESCRIPTION file in your package’s root. Note: Installing R packages can be slow and so you should only install the specific packages you need, not umbrella packages like tidyverse (in fact installing tidyverse will cause the system to timeout and therefore fail). For example, we’ve just added the dplyr and readr packages:
    Screenshot of DESCRIPTION file
  2. Modify datascript.R to the code you need for data cleaning and manipulation
  3. Open the .github/workflows/R-CMD-check.yaml file. If you are using RStudio you may need to enable “Show Hidden Files” to locate this file:
    Screenshot of show hidden files
  4. Add the following code at the end of the file
          - name: Run datascript
            run: Rscript datascript.R

    so that in the end your file looks like this (in particular the spacing at the beginning of each line):
    Screenshot of R-CMD-check.yaml

  5. Commit and push these changes to your repository